Friday, July 19, 2013

Fantasy Friday: Blog Tour With Leontii Holender

Leontii Holender lives in the sleepy little town of Greenville, South Carolina. She was born in Boston, Massachusetts and was raised all across the United States. She has lived mostly in the southern states with large cities. She's called New Orleans, Memphis, and Atlanta home, just to name a few. She moved into the area in order to help take care of her ill mother and has since found herself with a plethora of free time to write.

Leontii has been writing for about eight years now and is a full-time author. The writing bug bit her rather early in her life and since she discovered she enjoyed it, she hasn’t stopped. She started writing short stories in high school and has since moved on to focus on novels. She likes writing erotic fiction the most and tends to lean towards strong elements of horror, suspense, fantasy, mythos, and the paranormal.

Sivney ForsĂ idh

Q: Do you have any scars? How did you get them?
I have too many to count. Years of work in the human life as a warrior and blacksmith along with a second life as a enforcer and investigator put me in the direct line of conflict often.
Q: What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is that of failure. Failing at work, protecting those that are close to me, or not preforming the best I can are worse than something like spiders or snakes.
Q: When is the last time you really laughed out loud? What made you laugh?
Wow, that’s something I haven’t thought about in a long time. I guess I laugh when I’m at the Garden’s main headquarters. The fellow enforcers in my division are about as crazy as they come, so they are great for a good laugh.
Q: What is your favorite thing about Kyrien?
Kyrien is amazing in every sense of the word. There’s no one favorite thing I can pinpoint about him. He forces me to see the world in a way that I haven’t in ages. He’s as refreshing to be around as he is tempting…
Q: What are you plans for the future?
Eventually I’d like to retire from the direct position of enforcer and run my own division of enforces and investigators like the Director. I know Kyrien would be happy if we didn’t have to travel so much, but it’s nice to get to see familiar places with him. It’s like they’re brand new again.
Q: Who was your first love?
Funny story. Kyrien’s uncle Johann was my first real love. It’s a long and sordid story, and there’s not much else I’d like to say on that one.
Q: How has your opinion on love changed since meeting Kyrien?
My opinions on a lot of things have changed since I met Kyrien. When that special someone walks into your life, it has a way of opening your eyes to things you were too stubborn or too self absorbed to see before.
Q: What is one thing that annoys you about Kyrien?
Kyrien drags me out to all the theme nights at his club Calamity. From BDSM, westerns, fairytales, and motorcycles. It never fails and he always makes me dress up in a costume! Doesn’t he get I’m not a people person, much less when I’m in assless chaps?
Q: Boxers or Briefs?
Neither. *Winks.*
Q: Other than Kyrien, what is the one thing in life you can’t live without?
Blood. It’s kind of a vampire thing.


  1. Fun character interview (and no spoilers--I appreciate that)!


  2. Thanks for the character interview. It really helps to better know Sivney.

    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
