Love and Charity, By Fiona Miers
A Contemporary Sexy Romance- Release date- 20th May 2016
Blurb: In the city of Melbourne, Australia, Emily is working night and day as a solicitor. During the week she is a corporate lawyer, making enough money to pay off her own house, and her mother’s. After spending her whole life under the threat of losing her home and watching her mother survive a broken marriage, she is determined to never be in the same situation. On the weekends she donates her time at a charity- Ellen's House, to help women in need to escape those same situations her mother was once in. She is determined to succeed and has time for only one love in her life, and that's her work.
Running his own Architecture business, Nathan Johnson lives to succeed. He set up Ellen's House- his charity for women, after his mother dies of abuse at the hands of his father. Determined to never be anything like the man who raised him, he keeps his work at the fore front of his life, and his women as un-important as possible. He may not be able to make up for the sins of the past, but he is determined not to repeat them; and that means never letting his guard down again.
They're perfectly matched and yet they clash at every turn. A man with so many layers he's not sure which personality is truly his, and a woman who's heart is big enough to love all of him.
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Author bio: Fiona Miers has a super busy life, like most modern women, but always finds time for reading and writing romance. Her love affair with the romance genre started when she was only 11 years old, when her mother, and nana, handed her, her first mills and boon.
Since then she's built her own business, become a mother to two beautiful little girls, and fallen in love with the most spectacular man on the planet. (JMHO)
Fiona writes MF contemporary and historical romance, writing more erotic stories under the pen name Tamsin Baker.
Thank you for reading this, and hopefully you'll love reading about her characters as much as she loved creating them.

Nathan smiled at her and placed the file next to the phone. He’d do more than sort that one out. He’d never work with that building company again.
Emily gave him a nod and began to back away. His belly clenched and his breath caught in his throat.
No. Stop!
“Emily, we should talk about Saturday night.”
“No.” She practically fired the word at him, then shook her head and stared at the ground, red highlighting her high cheekbones.
“I mean about Eleanor’s House. I believe I may have over reacted to what you said to everyone.”
She stopped backing away and glanced up, her eyes bright and wary.
Something twisted deep in his chest. He swallowed hard.
“No, I was wrong to push you, Nate. I know I was. Whatever happened… I take responsibility for.”
He shrugged and let his lips lift into a semblance of a smile. He was giving her an apology and an out, and she wasn’t taking it. He liked that.
“Well, let’s forget about it and you can tell me more about your career aspirations over dinner.”
“Oh. No Nate, we shouldn’t. I mean…”
He chuckled and stood up, rounding his desk and heading towards her. He didn’t stop when she gasped and jumped away from him, just kept moving forward, reaching out to shut the door and looked directly at her for the first time.
“Oh, I’m Nate again, am I?”
She softly whacked him on the chest. “Stop it, you know what I mean.”
“No, what do you mean?”
She glared at him, that fire that he so loved about her, returning. “I mean… we can’t go out for dinner again!”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re my client and it would be inappropriate.”
He heaved a sigh and stuck both hands into his trouser pockets. Those same excuses were not going to fly with him now. He’d tasted her lips, held her body through the best night’s sleep he’d had in decades and he missed her. He couldn’t continue like this.
Looks Great!